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8.7.2024 | Last updated: 1.8.2024

17 min read

Measuring what matters in payment centralization

Best KPIs to drive payment centralization success

Many describe today's business landscape as fast-paced and demanding. As it stands, effective cash management is pivotal for any treasury function aiming to align with strategic business goals. At the heart of cash management lies the crucial element of payments—whether they are decentralized and fragmented across various systems or streamlined through centralization.

The recent Nomentia webinar delved deeply into the realm of future-proofed payments, shining a spotlight on payment centralization and its Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs.


As businesses navigate the complexities of generating and managing cash flow to sustain operations, support growth, and satisfy stakeholders, understanding and measuring the impact of payment centralization becomes increasingly vital in a global economy.

Let’s explore the nuances of measuring what matters in payment centralization. 

Payment centralization - Measuring what matters

Centralizing payments offers significant advantages that streamline corporate financial operations. By consolidating payment activities from diverse locations into a single management hub, organizations gain enhanced control, visibility, and efficiency. This centralized approach not only simplifies cash management but also reduces costs associated with multiple banking relationships and systems. Among the many benefits of payment centralization, improved cash flow forecasting, minimized manual errors, and strengthened security measures across payment processes emerge as key.  

“Control and visibility are paramount, aiding in better cash management, informed investment decisions, and reducing idle cash.” – Jukka Heikkinen 

Measuring performance in centralized payments is crucial for several reasons. It allows organizations to quantify operational improvements, assess cost savings, and gauge compliance with financial objectives. Performance metrics such as straight-through processing rates, reduction in transaction costs, and adherence to regulatory standards provide tangible insights into the effectiveness of centralized payment strategies.  

The KPIs in payment centralization


Key performance indicators are indispensable tools in the realm of payment centralization, offering critical insights and benchmarks to ensure operational efficiency and strategic alignment. These metrics serve multifaceted purposes, each contributing to the overarching success of centralized payment initiatives. 

“Understanding the need for centralization is key. Companies should define their goals: is it for security, cost-cutting, or better control? Identifying the end goal, whether it's a payment hub, in-house banking, or improved intercompany payments, sets the direction for the centralization process.” – Petter Huusko 

First, KPIs enable organizations to quantitatively measure the performance of their centralized payment systems. Metrics such as transaction processing times, cost savings derived from streamlined operations, and error rates in payment processing provide tangible data points that indicate how effectively payments are managed across the organization. This performance measurement not only highlights areas of strength but also identifies opportunities for enhancement and optimization. 

KPIs play a pivotal role in aligning payment centralization efforts with broader strategic objectives. By setting KPIs that reflect strategic priorities—such as improving cash flow visibility, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, or reducing overall operational costs—organizations ensure that the implementation of a payment hub or centralized system directly contributes to achieving these overarching goals. This strategic alignment ensures that resources are allocated efficiently and that the initiative's outcomes support the organization's long-term growth and stability. 

Payment centralization key performance indicators for continuous improvement 

KPIs foster a culture of continuous improvement within the organization. Regularly monitoring and analyzing KPIs allows stakeholders to identify trends, patterns, and areas for refinement in payment processes. Whether it's optimizing transaction efficiency, enhancing data security measures, or fine-tuning payment workflows, KPI-driven insights empower organizations to evolve and adapt their payment strategies proactively. 

KPIs facilitate data-driven decision-making across various levels of the organization. Real-time insights derived from KPIs provide stakeholders—from treasury managers to finance executives—with the necessary information to make informed decisions about resource allocation, process improvements, and strategic investments related to payment centralization. This data-driven approach mitigates risks associated with subjective decision-making and ensures that organizational decisions are grounded in empirical evidence and performance metrics. 

KPIs promote transparency and accountability within the organization. When KPIs are clearly defined, communicated, and understood across departments, they foster a shared understanding of goals and expectations. This transparency enhances accountability as stakeholders take ownership of their roles in achieving the defined KPIs, thereby driving collective efforts towards the successful implementation and sustained optimization of payment centralization initiatives. 

Key KPIs for payment centralization success 

Payment centralization efficiency metrics 
  • Transaction processing times 
  • Number of manual interventions required 
Payment centralization cost metrics
  • Reduction in transaction fees 
  • Cost savings from optimized bank relationships 
Payment centralization control metrics 
  • Rate of compliance with regulatory requirements 
  • Number of fraud incidents detected and prevented 
Payment centralization visibility metrics 
  • Real-time cash flow visibility 
  • Accuracy of cash flow forecasts 
Payment centralization performance metrics 
  • Straight-through processing (STP) rates
  • Error rates in payment processing

Setting and achieving KPIs 

Measuring what matters - How to set and achieve payment centralization KPIs

Setting realistic and achievable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) begins with a clear understanding of organizational goals and the specific objectives of the treasury function. KPIs should be closely aligned with these overarching goals to ensure relevance and strategic impact.

By defining KPIs that are measurable, specific, and time-bound, organizations can effectively monitor progress towards desired outcomes. This alignment not only enhances focus and accountability but also facilitates informed decision-making and continuous improvement efforts within the treasury function, ultimately contributing to the broader success of the organization's financial management strategies. 

Payment professionals provide insights into setting payment centralization KPIs

Payment centralization transcends mere operational efficiencies; it serves as a strategic lever for organizations aiming to bolster control, security, and cost management. By consolidating payment processes, companies gain heightened oversight and transparency, pivotal for optimizing cash flow and making well-informed investment choices. This capability to enhance cash management enables businesses to allocate capital more effectively, minimizing idle cash and maximizing financial health. 

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) play a pivotal role in this strategic alignment. Metrics such as the reduction in manual payments, increased adoption of straight-through processing (STP), and decreased bank fees provide tangible benchmarks for assessing the success of payment centralization initiatives. These KPIs not only quantify operational efficiencies but also directly correlate with financial outcomes, reinforcing the strategic imperative of centralization. By aligning KPIs with broader organizational goals—such as improving liquidity management or achieving cost savings—companies ensure that their payment strategies contribute meaningfully to overarching business objectives. This kind of holistic approach not only enhances operational agility but also fortifies financial resilience in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Challenges and pitfalls in measuring KPIs

Measuring what matters - Challenges of global payment centralization

Measuring Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, for payment centralization presents challenges that organizations must navigate adeptly to ensure effective implementation and evaluation. A primary hurdle is the complexity of standardizing KPIs across diverse global operations and varying ERP systems. Operating in multiple regions means contending with different banking regulations, ERP configurations, and local practices, making it challenging to establish uniform KPIs that accurately reflect centralized payment performance universally. 

“Standardizing and harmonizing payment processes is essential, but it's also vital to prepare for local variations and to engage staff in understanding and implementing technical solutions. Collaboration and communication are key to successful payment operations.” – Jukka Heikkinen 

Another critical challenge discussed by experts is the requirement for accurate and reliable data. Timely access to comprehensive data is essential for meaningful KPI measurement. Inaccuracies or gaps in data can distort performance assessments and undermine decision-making processes. 

Technological integration poses additional complexities. Integrating a payment hub or in-house banking system with existing ERP and payment platforms demands seamless compatibility. Delays or compatibility issues can disrupt KPI tracking and diminish operational efficiencies. 

The dynamic landscape of regulatory compliance and cybersecurity introduces ongoing challenges. Changes in regulations or security protocols necessitate swift adjustments in payment processes, potentially affecting established KPI benchmarks and measurements. 

Navigating these challenges requires a proactive approach, leveraging robust data management practices, agile technology solutions, and strategic alignment of KPIs with organizational goals. 

Payment centralization KPI success

Achieving success in measuring KPIs for payment centralization hinges on strategic approaches tailored to organizational needs. Clear and consistent KPI definitions are foundational, ensuring alignment with operational contexts across diverse geographical and ERP environments. Robust data management systems are crucial for reliable data collection, supporting accurate performance evaluation. Cross-functional collaboration fosters alignment among stakeholders, enhancing buy-in and minimizing implementation hurdles. Seamless technological integration and system compatibility streamline data aggregation, facilitating informed decision-making. Lastly, maintaining agility in adapting KPI frameworks to regulatory shifts and cybersecurity demands ensures relevance and effectiveness over time.  

Measuring what matters in payment centralization with a payment hub 

Selecting the best KPIs to drive payment centralization success requires a strategic blend of clarity, adaptability, and collaboration. By focusing on metrics that align with organizational goals—like reduced costs, enhanced control, and improved efficiency—companies can effectively monitor their progress towards centralized payment processes. Embracing technological integration and fostering cross-functional collaboration further fortifies the implementation of KPIs. 

Ultimately, the journey towards payment centralization success is marked by a commitment to measurable outcomes and the proactive adjustment of KPI strategies in response to changing business environments. By adhering to these principles, organizations can optimize their payment operations, achieve strategic objectives, and sustain long-term growth and resilience. 

Request a payment hub demo

Steps to payment centralization with a payment hub

Various payment infrastructure components like payment gateways, ERPs, banks, accounting systems surrounding a payment hub.

1. Assess your payment infrastructure 

Payment hub implementation starts with understanding your current systems, processes, and data flows to see how the payment hub fits in and what integration points are needed. Pay special attention to banks, bank connections, and connectivity types that need to be assessed and accounted for. Negotiate with your banks whether they can provide automatic bank statements and at what cost. 

Plan your payment hub integration strategy

2. Plan your payment hub integration strategy 

Once you know what’s needed you should determine how the payment hub will interface with existing systems like ERP, accounting, and CRM platforms. Seek guidance from experienced partners if needed. 

Payment hub data migration and system configuration

3. Data migration and system configuration 

Cleanse and prepare data for migration, then configure systems to accommodate new payment processes and workflows. 

Testing your payment hub

4. Testing your payment hub 

Thoroughly test your new payment system to ensure accuracy and identify any issues before going live. 

Go live and monitor your payment hub

5. Go live and monitor your payment hub 

Roll out the payment hub to end-users, provide training, and closely monitor system performance and feedback. 

Payment hub continuous improvement

6. Continuous improvement 

Iterate and improve the payment hub based on feedback and evolving needs, ensuring long-term value and efficiency. 


How to centralize payments with Nomentia

How does a payment hub solution improve the efficiency of the payment process compared to decentralized systems?
Nomentia's payment hub solution automates the entire payment process by reducing the need for manual intervention and decreases processing times. Nomentia Payments supports batch processing for handling large volumes of transactions efficiently. The payment hub solution simplifies payment process workflows by integrating multiple payment sources and formats into a single system which reduces the complexity of payment operations. Nomanetia's payment hub also facilitates straight-through processing (STP) which ensures quick and seamless payment execution.
By centralizing payment management businesses can consolidate all payment activities into one platform and make it easier to manage and monitor transactions from various departments or subsidiaries.
What types of payments can be managed through a payment hub?
As a centralized payment hub solution Nomentia Payments can handles both domestic and cross-border payments while supporting near-infinite range of currencies and payment types. Among others, Nomentia allows businesses to manage accounts payable (AP) payments, like supplier and vendor payments, but also high-value and complex treasury transactions that help to optimize cash and liquidity management. Nomentia Payments also allows businesses to process payroll payments and manual payments providing flexibility for ad-hoc payment requirements.
How does a payment hub enhance the security of corporate transactions?
Nomentia Payments and Payment Process Controls allow businesses to implement rule-based controls to automatically detect and flag irregularities. The payment hub solution validates payment data against these predefined rules to ensure accuracy and consistency, while advanced technologies detect payment anomalities in payment patterns automatically. Nomentia Payments provides a full audit trail and archive functionality, ensuring all transactions are documented and traceable.
What integration capabilities does the payment hub offer with existing ERP and accounting systems?
Nomentia's payment hub integrates with every ERP system such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Sage, NetSuite, and more. It enables direct connections with banks worldwide through host-to-host, EBICS, SWIFT Alliance Lite2 for Business, or API connections. The payment hub solution utilizes APIs and SFTP for secure and efficient data exchange between the payment hub and ERP systems. Nomentia Payments connects businesses with various financial and treasury management systems while enabling compatibility with different banking and payment standards. The centralized payment system automatically converts payment files into the required formats for different banks and financial institutions and ensures that payment batches are sent and confirmations are received in the correct formats.

Read more about payment hubs: